Nath & Isa have served for over 16 years as pastors of a local church in the Charleroi region (BE) and are among the founders of the youth movement Explosion.
Today they have a full-time itinerant ministry to encourage God's people through teaching, preaching and song.
They are passionate about Jesus, their goal is to let themselves be guided by the Holy Spirit in order to bring heaven to manifest itself on earth.
They have also written several books and recorded praise albums. Together with Pierre & Christine Beumier, founders of the Apollos ministry, they have a real burden in order to edify, encourage the assembly of believers and to make disciples of all nations .
Nath and Isa have been serving the Lord for more than 20 years, they like to communicate in all simplicity, with humor and in a practical way, revelations that will lead you to be truly connected with God...

We would be honoured to bless your congregation with the gifts God has given us.
We are convinced that it is essential to share what God has entrusted to us.
It is an absolute honor to travel and be part of what God is doing around us.
You will find below a small contact form to fill out in order to help us to promote your event on our website as well as on our Facebook page.
During an event outside Belgium, the travel, food and accommodation costs must be covered by the church or the host organization (we accept with great pleasure to accommodate homestay);
Anything beyond that, as a gift, is welcome, knowing that we live by the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:14).
Our goal is to bring the message that God gives us for your assembly.
Once again, thank you for the honor of your invitation to be part of what God is doing in your area.
+32 (0) 498/ 51.32.31
The Goal of our ministry is the building up of the body of Christ
Through preaching, Through teaching, Through training, Through praise.
And, in order to propagate this as much as possible, we use what we have at our disposal, namely ourselves, but also this website, audio, video, paper,...
But the truth is we can't do it alone, we need help, we have need partners, men and women who will stand with us so that we can complete the race.
-Support us through prayer: praying for one another is of paramount importance, it is an essential foundation for the spiritual growth of each individual as well as for any endurance race.
-By a one-time or regular financial donation: Who says full time in the ministry, also says; financial input through donations.
If you want to support us in this way too, click here
You can also send via PayPal to:
With in communication: support Nath and Isa
Bank details;
- Apollos account in Belgium: Bpost; BE53 0001 5086 9453 BIC: BPOTBEB1
- Apollos account in France: FR09 3000 2088 3200 0007 9278 D51 BIC; CRLYFRPP
Thank you for your support