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Apollos News

Pierre & Christine BEUMIER

A.I.M.E. Ministry

Apollos Center,

No. 3, DELTA Street

7000 Mons-Belgium

December 2, 2022 ​​​

Dear friends and partners of the Apollos Ministry of Pierre & Christine


Since we returned from Quebec, we haven't seen the time go by as November has been very busy with all kinds of meetings and activities and also with unexpected events. 


Gospel Miracles & Healings

We ended October with a Gospel Miracles and Healings meeting. These meetings on the last Friday of each month are increasingly well attended and the attendance is growing.


Prophetic Conference

On the last Friday of November, we had the Prophetic Conference with the prophet William MITCHELL from London. This conference lasted for 3 days and was well attended. William MITCHELL not only brought personal prophecies but also a powerful message on the theme of Ezekiel 37:3: "Shall these bones live again", a very appropriate message that invites us to prophesy about our situations that are like dry bones.


December's Agenda

In December, we will be travelling to Paris, then to Brussels and finally to our church in Mons at the Apollos Centre to hold various meetings on miracles and healings. 

Please have a look at our agenda and, if you are in one of these regions, we may have the joy of meeting you there and praying with and for you. 


The mandate of the 'Christians Like Christ' TV programmes.

When we were in Quebec, we had the privilege of visiting the new EMCITV premises and studios. We are really happy to be part of this extraordinary adventure to reach the French-speaking world with the gospel, but also to enable God's people to have good and solid biblical teachings.

We are working, here in our TV studio at the Apollos Centre, to always go further in our "Christians Like Christ" programs. 

We are thankful for all of you who are with us in prayer; with you we are stronger and together with God we will do great things.



I love this passage from Psalms 145:16: "When you open your generous hand, it is full of blessings, and you pour it out on everything that has life.

Christine and I pray this prayer for all of you, dear beloved partners, and we ask our Lord to pour out these blessings on you all in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen


Pierre & Christine BEUMIER

How to send your donation

  • that is through our website  by going to the section SUPPORT financially the APOLLOS ministry at the bottom of this page.

Remark: choose delivery: Belgium and, in the box standard delivery, choose the option Pick up in store.

You can now pay either with your card Bancontact, or with a credit card, either via PayPal

  • either by sending a French check payable to APOLLOS Ass. 3 rue du Delta, B-7000 MONS (Belgium)

  • either by sending a Canadian check to the order of Pierre Beumier at:

Pierre & Christine BEUMIER C/0 Salvation and Deliverance Missionary Church, 369 Rue Mac Donald, Granby, Qc, J2G 6G6, CANADA

  • either by payment on one of the following accounts:

Belgium: BNP PARIBAS FORTIS: in the name of APOLLOS ASBL – IBAN: BE76 2700 2817 3095 (BIC: GEBABEBB) 
France: LCL Maubeuge on behalf of APOLLOS Ass – IBAN: FR09 3000 2088 3200 0007 9278 D51 (BIC: CRLYFRPP) ​

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